N-95 Face Masks now available at US Wings. Health experts have long stressed the importance of wearing a mask to limit the spread of contagions. Fox News reported 7/9/2020 that new research suggests that wearing a mask can reduce the risk of infection by as much as 65%. Any kind of mask, even the disposable surgical masks, will protect to a certain extent, but masks made from N-95 material offer the most protection. Our Multi-Use N-95 Protective Masks are made in the state of Virginia from high filtration 3-ply N-95 fabric. The breathable pleated summer-weight material is soft & expandable to fit comfortably for daily protection and the masks are reusable.
Since the Spanish Flu epidemic in 1917, masks have been shown to significantly reduce the rate of airborne transmission by as much as 75%, which helps to save lives, so the N-95 Masks now available at US Wings. As an introductory offer, we’re making these masks available singly for $4.95 each, in a pack of 10 for $45, or in a pack of 25 for $114.
Be sure to check out our full line in our Protective Masks, Scarves, and Wraps Collection.
Cleveland Clinic Mask suggestions
To prevent the spread of COVID-19, the wearing of masks and other facial coverings has become mandatory in most public areas. But how effective are these cloth facial coverings? In an article from Consult QD (May 5, 2020), Raed Dweik, MD, Chair of Cleveland Clinic’s Respiratory Institute and Steven Gordon, MD, Chair of Cleveland Clinic’s Department of Infectious Disease were asked these questions. You can read the full interview here.
Should I wear a face mask out in public?
The CDC recommends wearing a mask in public, especially in high-transmission areas or anyplace where social distancing is difficult to maintain. Our masks can help protect against large-particle droplets and help block exhaled droplets to prevent the further spread of contagions.